My bag has changed quite a bit since the last time that I shared it with you. It's amazing what can happen to your unchangeable lineup in such a little bit of time. Since my last in the bag, I have lost my Lucid Freedom and my Recycled TC Claymore. I have also taken out my VIP Air King, Fuzion Enforcer, Champion Destroyer, Opto Blitz, Lucid Escape, yellow Biofuzion TC Thief, yellow Opto River, and Fuzion Truth. A lot can change in eight months so without further adieu, here is my in the bag.
Starting out with my bag, I am still rocking the Dynamic Discs EMac Ranger and loving it. While many others like other bags better, I have had no regrets over buying this bag. It has a sleek look and is comfortable to wear. Now onto the discs.
I am still in the trial phase with many of these discs and have color coded them accordingly. Discs written in black will stay for sure. Blue, in trial but will probably stay. Green, in trial and may not be there the next time I write. Red, an older disc that will most likely be removed because of a trial disc. The progression of the discs from the main pocket and putter pocket will start out with distance drivers, move onto fairways, then mid ranges, and finally putters.
-Westside Discs Tournament Plastic King
-Daredevil Discs Flex Performance Yeti
-Dynamic Discs Lucid Tresspass
-Westside Discs VIP Boatman
-Dynamic Discs Lucid Renegade
-Westside Discs Elasto Sampo
-Dynamic Discs Fuzion Felon
-Daredevil Discs High Performance Wolverine
-Daredevil Discs Flex Performance Timberwolf
-Dynamic Discs TC Biofuzion Thief
-Latitude 64 Opto River
-Kastaplast K1 Kaxe Z
-Latitude 64 Opto Fuse
-Dynamic Discs Lucid FR Truth tooled Verdict
-Dynamic Discs Lucid Truth
-Dynamic Discs Fluid Truth
-Dynamic Discs Lucid Suspect
-Dynamic Discs Fuzion Suspect (The picture is covered because I don't want to ruin the logo surprise!)
-Westside Discs TC BT Medium Shield
-Dynamic Discs Fuzion Judge (Could replace Wizard)
-Latitude 64 Opto Bite
I also keep a couple of extra discs in the top of my bag for special occasions.
-Innova Pro Destroyer (my I will for sure hit concrete disc)
-Gateway Organic Wizard (understable putter)
-Westside Discs TC BT Medium Shield (Backup putter)
-Dynamic Discs Fuzion Judge Mini
Here is how my flight chart looks. Make sure to comment on what I have done right or what I am missing!
Last but not least, the less important, but crucial, things in my bag.
-20oz insulated Contigo water bottle
-Dynamic Discs Golden Retriever
-Plenty of towels
-Dynamic Discs Stool
-Long sleeve performance shirt for chilly days
Now, the moment that I have been waiting for for a long time, so long, that I am nervous! The unveiling of the Flying Dutchman Discs logo!
We hope that you enjoy our new logo as much as we do! We loved it so much that my wife got me a Dynamic Discs Suspect with the FDD logo for Christmas!
Until next time, keep throwing!