This week I decided to do a review on something different, something OOP (Out of Production). I happened to come across a Discraft Elite Pro X2 at a thrift shop.
It was so cheap that I simply just had to buy it and now, I'm glad that I did. Right now this disc is in my bag but it hasn't been for quite some time. It has always been in the back of my mind as something that I should throw but I wasn't sure what to take out of my bag. That idea was made simple for me when I lost my Claymore. But enough about my bag. On to the disc.
Plastic Type: I could be mistaken, but I don't believe this plastic is on the market anymore. And that's a shame. It feels and beats in similar to Innova DX or Discraft Pro D plastic. Now some people might ask: "What are you talking about? It's like Pro D so it still is on the market." There are two reasons why I like Elite Pro better than Pro D. I do like the feel of the plastic a bit better and when I shine a uv flashlight on the Elite Pro, it glows.
Feel: The X2 has a nice feel in the hand. The rim depth is about the same as the Kastaplast Kaxe Z or the Innova Leopard, but instead of a smooth edge the X2 has a bead and a lip on the outer edge. I really like discs that have this rim size because I think that they feel comfortable in the hand.
Disc Performance: I need to preface this by saying that when I got this disc it was not brand new and did have some use to it. My results are those of a beat in X2; not a new one. From what I have heard, Discraft gave this disc a stability rating of 2, which is in between stable and overstable. When I released this disc softly, it did what the rating would suggest. I had a straight shot with no turn and a comfortable finish to the left. I threw it softly to get more of an idea of what the disc would be like if it were new, and I tentatively agree with Discraft's rating for the X2 (There is no way for me to say for certain that the rating is correct with the condition that my disc is in). That all being said, I am glad that my disc is beat in. When I release the X2 flat and with some power, it flies straight for a short distance and then has a nice smooth turn to the right with just enough fade to land either straight in front of me, or about 15-20' to the right of me. I put this disc in my bag in order to learn about it for this review and found out that it fills a gap that I didn't even know I had. I cannot give an overall review about this disc because of my limited scope with the one that I have, but Discraft should consider bringing this disc out of the OOP graveyard because it does have much to offer.
Keep Throwing! FD_DiscsJV
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